It’s Your Body | Drugs Awareness & Healthy Living
It’s Your Body
An engaging and fun-filled educational show for younger children that explores the concept of making healthy choices.
Suitable for:
Ages 5-8 (School Years 1-3)
Key Stages 1 & 2
It’s Your Body is an energetic and exciting 25 minutes of song-packed entertainment that enables children to understand that “all medicines are drugs but not all drugs are medicines”.
Whether it be a can of beer, a bottle of Calpol, a bar of chocolate or a packet of cigarettes every child needs to understand the risks involved with different substances.
This is a fun introduction to the concept of making healthy choices, whilst making clear the importance of asking for the help of a responsible adult.
Based on the children’s classic Cinderella, It’s Your Body is a lively, song-filled journey that follows Cindy and her sisters Fagita and Zitora on their quest to win a place in a new pop group. However, through a combination of a bad diet, smoking, drinking and too much unprotected exposure to the sun, the sisters are not the most beautiful of creatures!
With the help of the magical Fairy God-Doctor, Cindy finds out how to be healthy and goes on to win a part in the pop group. Along the way Cindy meets a lot of fun and friendly characters who help her to stardom and a happy and healthy life.
Format: Performance / Workshop / Hot Seating
For: Ages 5-8 / Years 1-3
Run time: 25 minutes
Are there any accompanying resources? Yes.
You’ll get a free hard and digital copy of the Its Your Body Teachers’ Resource Pack including further information, ideas for lesson plans and more.
Link it
What school work does it link to?
PSHE (Personal, Social & Health Education)
National Curriculum for Sciences
Healthy Schools
It’s Your Body teaches young people…
How to be fit and healthy
That all medicines are drugs but not all drugs are medicines
The negative effects of smoking and alcohol
The dangers of discarded syringes and needles
The importance of using sun cream
The benefits of having a healthy diet
The importance of consulting an adult and reading and following instructions carefully when taking medicine
That they can make sensible informed decisions to safeguard their health
What people are saying about this show:
“High energy and high quality. Very slick and beautifully performed. It supported our PSHE drugs unit really well.”
– Chrissie, Year 1 Teacher, Clara Grant Primary School, London Borough of Tower Hamlets
“The performance was based on the curriculum and supported the learning in a lively, interesting, and at their level way.”
– A. Singh, Teacher, Waterside Primary School, London Borough of Greenwich
“The children’s attention was maintained during the whole show which is rare! Because it was so visual and active and fun, they were gripped. Made an important subject understandable for young children. Well done!”
— Nikki Lines, Teacher, Riverley Primary School, London Borough of Waltham Forest
“Just to say how impressed I was with the performance. I had already heard good things from the Havering schools, but great to see it for myself. Many thanks.”
– David MacKintosh, Policy Adviser, London Drug Policy Forum, Corporation of London
Book this show.
If you’re interested in booking this show, or you’d like to find out more about it, drop us a line here and we’ll be in touch.
Alternatively, you can always pick up the phone, we’d love to hear from you…
Tel: (020) 8981 9527